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App Builder Software: Features and Functionality Explained

app builder software

App builder software is an app development tool that allows you to build an app without coding. In simple words, anyone with any background can develop an app even if they don’t know how to write code. App builder software gives everyone the opportunity to turn the idea of their dream app into a reality. There are several features and functionalities available in an app builder that help you in app development.

Running a business without an application is like riding a bicycle with punctured tyres because you won’t be able to reach too far and compete with others. Using a mobile app, you can reach a wider audience and increase your customer engagement.

At some point we all think about creating an app for our business or to make our lives easier. The only and biggest hurdle in implementing that idea is the lack of coding knowledge and technical expertise. But that’s not the case anymore because app builder is here to solve all these issues for you. Let’s get to know everything about app builder software and its feasibility in the app development process.

Key Features of App Builder Software

App builder software provides many amazing features and functionalities that allow you to create an app with full customization. So, without any further ado, let’s delve into the details and see what these features are.

Drag-and-Drop Interface

App builders provide you with a very simple and easy drag-and-drop interface, which simplifies the app development process. All you need to do is find the elements you want to include in your app screen or page. Then drag and drop those elements where you want them to be.

Now you just have to edit and customize those elements according to your app requirements. Remember that these elements can include images, videos, maps, icons, buttons, text, etc. For example, by using the Appstylo app builder, all elements will be displayed in the widgets section for your ease.

Templates and Customization Options

You don’t even have to worry about the designing aspect of your application because app builder software provides you with several pre-designed templates. If you are not confident in your design skills, then simply choose the app template that suits your requirements. These templates help you give a structure and starting point for app development and you don’t have to create an app from scratch.

Once you’ve selected your desired app template, the next step is the customization. You might have a misconception that creating an app with an app builder might not provide you with the flexibility of customization. Well, that’s not true if you are using Appstylo app builder because it offers complete customization options. You have the full authority to change everything including color combination, text, font, images, videos, icons, and much more.

App Preview and Testing

Teams behind top-notch app development software understand the importance of testing and previewing the app before publishing. For instance, once you are finished developing and customizing your app using Appstylo, you can get a preview of your app on your mobile phone and on PC to see how the app looks and if it’s working properly.

You can scan the QR code available on the Appstylo app builder to get the app on your mobile phone for testing the functionalities and features. In case you find any issue related to design, navigation, or anything else you can easily fix that by going back to the dashboard.

Data Management and Integration

App builder tools provide you with a seamless user interface for data management. You don’t need to make any changes in the code or back-end. Instead, you can visit the dashboard and make the necessary changes from there that will reflect on your app. App builder allows you to integrate different third-party services into your app easily. For instance, you can add Google Maps, RSS Feed, WebView, & even integrate your WordPress website into an app.

Publishing and Deployment

Another great functionality that app builder software provides is easy publishing and deployment of your app. After your app is tested and looks completely functional, then, you can visit the publishing menu. You can publish and deploy your Android app on the Google Play Store and your iOS app on the App Store, and if you have created a web app using App Builder, then it will be published on its own store. All you are required to do is upload the app screenshots and icons and write a little description before publishing.

Push Notifications

If you want to increase the user engagement with your business via mobile app then push notifications come in very handy. Think of push notifications as a free method to do marketing of your latest offers and updates. So, an app developed using an app builder provides you with the capability to send push notifications easily and keep your users engaged.

Cross-Platform Development

One of the best & most beneficial functionalities to have in app development software is cross-platform development. It allows you to create an app that can be deployed and published on different platforms. For instance, you create an application for your restaurant using Appstylo app builder.

This app can be published on all three platforms i.e., Android, iOS, & PWA. This allows you to deploy the same application on different platforms. It all depends on your own choice whether you only want to target Android users or iOS users. However, if you develop an app for multiple platforms, it gives you a higher reach.

Customer Support

Most of the time, we neglect the importance of customer support when making any choice, but it is very beneficial, especially when you don’t have a technical background. If you build an app using traditional mobile app development software instead of app builder software, then you are on your own. However, application builder platforms like Appstylo provide complete customer support to each and every user. So, if you’ve any queries you can reach out and get your issue resolved.


In conclusion, you won’t find as many features and functionality anywhere else as app builder software provides. For instance, easy integration with third-party services and the drag-and-drop option for creating a user interface. Now, it is very clear that no-code is the future of technology & in coming years, these app builder platforms will be equipped with advanced AI and ML to take this initiative to the next level.