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How to Build Your First Mobile App Using an App Builder?

create first mobile app

Mobile app development and launch is a booming business. On average, about 1,251 applications are published a day on app store in 2024. Apple Store had more than $383.2 billion in gross revenue in 2023. This rapidly growing climate makes creating a mobile app an attractive prospect for many entrepreneurs. But how do you create first mobile app using an app builder? What are the key steps you must take to be successful? In this article, we will share all the tips and tricks you need.

How to Create an App?

Creating and launching an app, like any other business, begins with brainstorming that continues even after the application is placed on the market. There are applications for almost anything. But in general, applications can be divided into three categories:

  • Those that serve a specific need,
  • Those that facilitate or expedite a task,
  • And those that are entertaining. 

Each of these types of mobile applications will require you to have a different business plan. Knowing the type of application you want to develop will be your starting point.

1. Brainstorming and Planning

As we have said in the previous paragraph, any application must begin to develop by brainstorming. For this, it is important to ask yourself some key questions:

  • What need / needs does your application cover?
  • Who is your audience?
  • Why might your application interest the audience?
  • Who are your competitors and what they are doing?
  • How can you stand out in the market?
  • Are you going to develop the App for iOS or for Android?

It’s important to ask yourself these questions to make sure your idea pays off before you go too far in the development process. At this stage you must also create a business plan and a monetization strategy for your App. Planning is key for any project to be successful.

2. App Development Process

The time has come to design and develop your app. To put your idea on paper, some prototyping tools will be very useful. These tools will help you figure out how users are going to interact with your app. That is, how the buttons and menus lead to the different screens of the application. The user interface will determine the appearance and design elements of your app.

Once you have your idea clear, you can start looking for a developer for your app. You can find a wide range of professionals who will be willing to put your idea on the market. You just have to tell us the functionalities you need and the budget you are willing to invest.

However, the biggest issue with this method is that it takes months to create and app and requires a lot of budget. So, the better option for you is to develop your first mobile app using a no-code app builder like Appstylo. You don’t even have to write a single line of code. Simply drag and drop elements to get your app ready. Using such a no-code app builder you don’t have to hire a designer, or a developer and your application will be ready within a day in less than $100.

3. Testing the Application

Let’s see how to do testing after you create first mobile app. When you have finished developing a fully functional mobile app using an app builder, you must run beta tests to see how app and its functionality works. This will help you detect errors and identify areas where the user interface can be improved. Make sure to run these tests on both smartphones and tablets. While using an app maker like Appstylo, you can do it simply by scanning a QR code to test the app and have a live preview.

4. Preparation of a Marketing Plan

When you create first mobile app it is very common to think that a marketing plan is not needed until after publishing your mobile app. Nothing could be further from the truth. You need time to develop interest in your application and get customers before putting it on the market. Of course, the marketing techniques will vary depending on your budget and your type of application.

For example, game-based applications will need to be promoted on various social media. It’s important to try to reach tech bloggers and gamers and get other types of press coverage as well.

Building a user base is crucial in terms of revenue generation, and a solid marketing plan will help you achieve this. Once you have your first customers, you should be attentive to their comments in order to identify areas for improvement.

5. Publishing the Application

Before you can put your application on the market, you will have to upload it to the apps stores. Both Apple and Google have specific guidelines and standards, as well as a unique submission process.

This application process can take up to a week and require changes to the application, so be prepared for it. The upload process must be done carefully to avoid errors.

Once you published your app, it is time to prepare your press releases. On launch day you will need to monitor the performance of your application and try to resolve any issues quickly.

6. Analyze the Results

After launch, you should evaluate the success of your application to determine who your users are and why they chose your application. If it’s not the audience you were expecting, it’s time to adjust your marketing efforts.

You can include new functions and features in the next version of your application or change certain aspects of the design to improve the user experience. Launch day is just the beginning, and if you stay tuned and open to new ideas, your app can achieve continued success.


Now you know how to create first mobile app using a no-code app builder like Appstylo which offers a quick and cost-effective solution compared to traditional methods. With Appstylo, you can create a fully functional app without writing code, saving time and money. Testing the app is essential to identify and fix any issues before launch, and Appstylo allows for easy beta testing with a live preview feature.

Preparing a marketing plan before launching is crucial for building interest and attracting customers. Different types of apps require different marketing approaches, with social media and press coverage being key for game-based apps. Once the app is published, monitoring its performance and user feedback is important for making improvements and ensuring continued success.

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