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Cost of Using an App Builder vs. Hiring a Developer

app builder cost

App development is a crucial aspect of modern business, enabling companies to reach their customers through mobile devices effectively. However, the cost of developing an app can vary significantly depending on the approach taken. In this article, we will explore the cost considerations of using an app builder versus hiring a developer for app development.

Understanding App Builders

App builders are software tools that allow individuals and businesses to create mobile applications without the need for extensive coding knowledge. These tools come in two main types: no-code and low-code app builders.

  • No-code app builders are designed for users with little to no coding experience. They offer a drag-and-drop interface that allows users to design and customize their apps using pre-built templates and components.
  • Low-code app builders, on the other hand, require some coding knowledge but offer more customization options. They provide users with a visual interface to design their apps and offer the flexibility to add custom code for advanced functionality.

Advantages of Using an App Builder

  • Cost-effectiveness: One of the main advantages of using an app builder is cost-effectiveness. App builders are typically more affordable than hiring a developer, making them ideal for individuals and small businesses with limited budgets.
  • Speed: App builders allow for rapid app development, reducing the time it takes to bring an app to market. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses looking to quickly launch a new product or service.
  • Ease of use: App builders are designed to be user-friendly, with intuitive interfaces that make app development accessible to a wide range of users. This can help businesses save time and resources that would otherwise be spent on training developers.

Hiring a Developer

When it comes to app development, hiring a developer offers a personalized approach that can lead to highly customized and tailored solutions. However, there are both pros and cons to consider.

Cons of Hiring a Developer

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  • Cost: Custom app development can be expensive, especially for complex apps that require extensive development time and resources. The estimates suggest that the cost can range from $5,000 to $50,000 or more for a single app.
  • Time-consuming: Developing a custom app can take longer than using an app builder, as it involves designing, coding, testing, and iterating on the app.
  • Technical expertise required: Hiring a developer requires technical knowledge to oversee the development process effectively and ensure that the app meets quality standards.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Hiring a Developer

Several factors can affect the cost of hiring a developer for app development:

cost of app development
  • Experience: Developers with more experience typically charge higher rates but may be able to complete the project more efficiently.
  • Complexity of the app: The complexity of the app, including its features, functionality, and design requirements, can impact the cost of development.
  • Location: Developers’ rates vary depending on their location, with developers in certain regions charging higher rates than others.
  • Timeline: The timeline for app development can also affect the cost, as developers may charge more for expedited or rushed projects.

Using an App Builder

App builders offer a cost-effective and efficient way to develop mobile applications, making them an attractive option for individuals and businesses looking to enter the app market.

Benefits of Using an App Builder

  • Cost-effectiveness: App builders are typically more affordable than hiring a developer, making them ideal for individuals and small businesses with limited budgets.
  • Speed: App builders allow for rapid app development, reducing the time it takes to bring an app to market.
  • Ease of use: App builders are designed to be user-friendly, with intuitive interfaces that make app development accessible to a wide range of users.

Cost Structure of Using an App Builder

The cost structure of using an app builder can vary depending on the provider. For example, Appstylo, a popular app builder, offers a subscription-based model with different pricing tiers based on the features and functionality required.

  • Subscription fees: Appstylo offers monthly or annual subscription plans, with prices ranging from $14 to $39 per month/year, depending on the plan chosen.
  • Additional features: Appstylo also offers additional features that can be added to the subscription plan for an extra cost, such as advanced customization options, analytics, and support.

Cost Comparison: App Builder vs. Developer

Breakdown of Costs of Using an App Builder

Using an app builder typically involves the following costs:

  1. Subscription Fees: App builders often charge a monthly or annual subscription fee. For example, Appstylo offers subscription plans ranging from $14 to $39 per month/year, depending on the features and functionality required.
  2. Additional Features: Some app builders offer additional features that can be added to the subscription plan for an extra cost. These features may include advanced customization options, analytics, and support.
  3. Transaction Fees: Some app builders may charge transaction fees for app purchases or in-app transactions. These fees are typically a percentage of the transaction amount.
  4. Training and Support: App builders may offer training and support services for free, especially for more complex features or customization options.

Comparison of Costs of Hiring a Developer

Hiring a developer for app development involves the following costs:

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  1. Developer Fees: Developers typically charge an hourly or project-based fee for their services. The cost can vary depending on the developer’s experience, location, and the complexity of the app.
  2. Development Tools and Resources: Developers may require access to development tools and resources, which can incur additional costs.
  3. Testing and Iteration: App development often involves testing and iterating on the app to ensure it meets quality standards. These costs can add up over time.
  4. Maintenance and Updates: After the app is launched, ongoing maintenance and updates may be required, which can incur additional costs.

For a simple app with basic features, hiring a freelance developer or a small agency the cost of app development will be in between $5,000 to $50,000. On the other hand, complex apps with advanced features and functionalities can cost significantly more, ranging from $100,000 to over $1,000,000.

Case Studies

Case Study 1: Business A
  • Approach: Business A used Appstylo, an app builder, to develop a simple mobile app for their customers to place orders.
  • Cost Breakdown: Subscription fee for Appstylo: $39 per month
  • Outcome: The app was launched within a week and helped increase sales by 20% within the first month. The total cost for the first month was $39.
Case Study 2: Business B
  • Approach: Business B hired a developer to create a custom app with advanced features and functionality.
  • Cost Breakdown: Developer fee: $100 per hour, total development time: 200 hours, total development cost: $20,000
  • Outcome: The app was launched successfully but incurred higher development costs than initially budgeted.

Factors for Making a Decision

Project Requirements & Complexity
  • Scope of the Project: For many projects, especially those requiring standard features like user authentication, database integration, and simple UI/UX, app builders offer sufficient functionality without the need for custom development.
  • Technical Requirements: If your project requires advanced technical integrations or unique functionality that app builders cannot support, custom development may be necessary.
Budget Constraints
  • Cost of Development: App builders are often more cost-effective than hiring a developer, especially for small to medium-sized projects. They offer fixed pricing models with no unexpected costs.
  • Cost of Customization: While app builders may have limitations in customization, the cost of hiring a developer to implement custom features can be significantly higher.
Timeframe for App Development
  • Speed of Development: App builders allow for rapid development, with apps often ready for launch in a matter of days or weeks. This can be advantageous for businesses looking to enter the market quickly.
  • Time-to-Market: The streamlined development process of app builders can significantly reduce time-to-market compared to custom development, giving businesses a competitive edge.
Desired Level of Customization and Control
  • Customization Options: While app builders may have some limitations in customization, they often offer enough flexibility to create unique and visually appealing apps.
  • Scalability: While some app builders may have limitations in terms of scalability, many offer the ability to add additional features and functionality as your business grows.


In conclusion, app builders offer a compelling solution for businesses looking to develop mobile apps quickly and cost-effectively. With their user-friendly interfaces and pre-built templates, app builders streamline the development process, making it accessible even to those without extensive technical knowledge.

The fixed pricing models of app builders also provide clarity and predictability, allowing businesses to plan their budgets more effectively. Additionally, app builders often offer sufficient customization options for many standard projects, enabling businesses to create unique and visually appealing apps without the need for custom development.

Overall, app builders are an excellent choice for small to medium-sized projects with standard requirements and limited budgets. Their speed, affordability, and ease of use make them a practical solution for businesses looking to enter the mobile app market quickly.

While custom development may offer more flexibility and control, app builders provide a cost-effective alternative that meets the needs of many businesses. By leveraging the benefits of app builders, businesses can develop high-quality mobile apps that meet their specific requirements and drive success in the digital marketplace.