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Home Screen Layout Design Ideas For Your Mobile Apps

home screen layout design ideas

When you have decided to develop a mobile application for your business, you will have to think about many factors, especially home screen layout design. To ensure that you create something that will propel your business forward. That will impress all potential users who come across it.

As the old saying goes, ‘the first impression counts,’ which means that the first thing users encounter when they land on your mobile app is having to grab them, lure them in, and make sure they don’t go to another App.

home screen layout design ideas

The very first thing that the potential customer sees when they see your mobile app is the home screen layout, or the splash screen, as it’s often called.

This can be a great prospect for you to sell your business to a potential user, and the home screen layout is the first opportunity the user has to make an impression of what to expect if they keep exploring your application.

It seems so difficult to manage all the factors that influence a user’s decision to continue with your application, yet there are many opportunities to solve all these challenges.

What Is Home Screen Layout?

Let’s start with defining splash screens. So what is a home screen layout? Welcome screens are basically application introduction screens. It is also called the splash screen or boot screen, and you can easily understand why.

These splash screens appear every time the application is loading or starting. It has no functional elements, just a logo of your brand or an image related to your application. The welcome screen offers a hint that the application is starting and that it will not crash on launch, especially if it takes too long to load.

Simple Steps to Create Best Home Screen Layout for Mobile Apps

Boost the Loyalty of Your Brand

A splash screen with your company logo will definitely influence users. It is important that they know the company or developer who created the application, but this is a double-edged sword. If they are delighted with your Apps, they will want to try other applications created by your team.

Without understanding your company’s profile, you can remain unknown in the eyes of users. But delaying your interaction with your app can have disastrous effects. They can leave without ever coming back.

Keep it Simple, But Be Creative

The idea is that the user does not spend a lot of time on your home screen layout. Your goal is to delve into what your application offers, so keeping the design simple is the key. However, one thing you don’t want the design to be common so doesn’t be afraid to get creative with colors, backgrounds, and logos.

The logo should be one of the main design factors of your home screen layout (as we mentioned in the previous point), instantly allowing users to know who you are. This is not the place to argue about who you are, your story, or how you have the best apps available on the market, so keep the text to an absolute minimum.

Graphics and images appeal to the mobile user, so don’t be afraid to play with what you would normally add to a traditional website, making it more accessible and appealing to the mobile visitor.

Enhance the User Experience “UX”

When we talk about a complex application that users use from time to time, and it requires time to load, it is rather necessary to put a special screen before the application’s main activity. In fact, both Apple and Google recommend improving the user experience with a home screen layout.


However, if it is a small application that is used several times a day, a splash screen could be annoying. Therefore, the main consideration should be the loading time of your application. However, it is imperative not to let a black screen influence the opinion of users about your application.

Keep it in High Resolution

Everything you decide to put on the home screen must meet the highest quality standards. A flawless image will be noticed by users in a good way because the splash screen is a placeholder for your home page. It is necessary to respect all the requirements to keep users busy from the first few seconds.

Screen Size Really Matters

How many sizes of mobiles are currently on the market? Hundreds, right? Each model or brand has its own screen size and resolution, so it is vital to ensure that the home screen works at any size and resolution.

For example, consider creating a splash screen for the latest iPhone. What about all those people who have an older version of the iPhone? That first impression won’t be great if they’re left with a distorted, ill-proportioned splash screen upon landing in your app.

Make Home Screen Design Amusing

Does your app represent a cool character, style, or theme? If so, why not just pop it into your home screen, instantly adding a little fun and making everything important sit right with the design.

Why not transform these few seconds into a great experience? Keep in mind that the splash screen is a static image, so keep your text to a minimum, especially if you need to localize it and not clutter the image. As we mentioned earlier, keep the design simple as you don’t want to overwhelm the visitor or clutter the screen too much.

Shows The Progress of The Launch

It is good practice to show the progress of your app loading in the form of a progress bar. In this way, users understand that the application does not have any errors and wait until your app starts.


In fact, when an action is lagging in your app and clients have to be patient, it’s good practice to show them that the activity is loading. For example, these screens prepare users for the moment when they participate in the adventure provided by the application.


You can follow all the above-mentioned steps to make your home screen layout more attractive for keeping users engaged as it is a very important aspect to avoid the user from getting bored. If you need any help in this regard, please do let us know in the comments section.

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